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DLAMN – Project Ozark Chinquapin Watering Day
Project Ozark Chinquapin watering schedule for Lake Ouachita State Park (LOSP):
September, October - The watering schedule for the months of September and October will be every Tuesday and Saturday afternoon starting at 4:00 p.m.
General Information:
Check in at the Visitors Center between 4:00 p.m. and 4:45 p.m. It will require approximately 2 hours for a 2-person team to complete the watering process. Each date requires and is limited to one 2-person team All teams will follow the same Standard Operating Procedure that will be covered at the initial training session.
Should you need to cancel your participation, please call LOSP at 501.767.9366 and leave a message for Emily Stubblefield and Susan Giovengo.
Dress appropriately and bring insect repellant! Details are covered at the mandatory training session
Important!!! Attendance at an initial training session is required before you can participate.