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FAMN - Seed Party
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About this event
First Seed Party of the season! 4:30 -6:30 PM (so you working folk can attend)!
Join us at Robert Fuhler’s house - click on map link below - (29 Ridgeview Drive, Conway - correctly located on Google Maps) for the first Seed Party of the season! We will be processing Monarda fistulosa (Bee Balm) and Baptisia sphaerocarpa (Yellow Wild Indigo) - to find out more about these species, copy and paste links below.
So, feel free to drop in after your institutionalized work duties. Not necessary to bring, but there are usually some form of snack- type things for consumption during breaks! Tea will also be served for those who would like! Family are welcome (please ride herd on your critters if you bring any; the house is not childproofed and there are many sharp, pointy things hanging about)!
Volunteer - Native Plants
Registration Info
Registration is recommended