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Nca First Saturday trail work
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About this event
“First Saturday” trail maintenance, lunch provided. Trail maintenance, volunteers meet in town, collect sack lunch, then proceed to Red Bank Ozarks Keystone Trail, perform 3-4 hours trail maintenance. The Endowment hosts this event to meet individuals & groups interested in adopting 1 or 2 miles of trail to keep clear for public enjoyment. Volunteers rendezvous 8:30 AM at the FSIS Raymond James office in Mtn Home (across from Pizza Hut) … take borrowed tools to trail sections at Norfork Lake, then return tools afterward. You may bring your own tools. Ozarks Keystone Trail Endowment (formerly David’s Trail Foundation) is constructing & completing the 85-mile hiking trail at Norfork Lake from Norfork Dam to Dawt Mill.
Event Contact(s)
Roy Stovall
Volunteer - Trail Maintenance
Registration Info
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