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CAMN General Meeting - Igneous Rocks of Arkansas
About this event
Michael DeAngelis
In addition to the research focus areas above, Dr. DeAngelis has worked with undergraduate and graduate students on several projects related to Arkansas geology. These projects have ranged from examination of rocks associated with the Magnet Cove Alkaline Intrusive Complex located near Malvern, AR to examination of diamonds and garnets associated with the Prairie Creek lamproite located at Crater of Diamonds State Park near Murfreesboro, AR. Dr. DeAngelis is always interested in working with students to do the type of petrology or mineralogy research that THEY want to do! With this in mind, he has also advised projects ranging from pegmatites in Maine to volcanic rocks from SE Missouri.
Approved for 2 hours CE
Meeting ID:
821 4410 2461
Continuing Education
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