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About this event
Help Arkansas Game and Fish with tree planting for riparian stabilization.
meet at the Snowball store at 10:00 am sharp. Bring a sack lunch and or sn acks. We will be planting 400 to 500 trees but they will be potted and holes will already be punched. A 2–3-hour job. depending on how many people show. It would be a good idea to carpool if possible. Allow 2 hours from Conway. Phone service may be iffy so don't count on it
Robert Fuhler (501-733-4019) has two seats left if you want to ride with him. Call the night before to snag one of the seats of to arrange to follow him to Snowball.
Meet at the Snowball Store. Hwy 74 west (intersection is 5 miles north of Marshall) off of Hwy 65,
Volunteer - Natural Area Maintenance
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