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Arkansas Master Naturalists

HomeEventsDLAMN - Opening workday at the Greenway Butterfly Garden

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DLAMN - Opening workday at the Greenway Butterfly Garden

About this event

DLAMN members interested in helping out at the Greenway Butterfly Garden can join us Tuesday, February 18 at 8:30 for our first workday for 2025. The Garden is located on the Greenway trail close to Valley & Runyon Sts, adjacent to the Velocity Bike Park.
We will be doing some weeding, trimming and general cleanup. Equipment needed: gloves, pruners, knee pads, etc.
Time: approx 1 hr; City Parks/DLAMN sponsor

Date and Time

Monday, February 24, 2025, 1:00 PM until 2:30 PM


Hot Springs Greenway Trail Butterfly Garden
218 Runyon Street
Hot Springs National Park, AR  71901

Event Contact(s)

Loretta M West


Volunteer - Garden Maintenance

Registration Info

Registration is recommended

State and National Agency Partners