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Arkansas Master Naturalists

HomeCentral AMN

Welcome To CAMN!

Central Arkansas is where it all began! In 2006, at Pinnacle Mountain State Park, a need met a solution. The need: trained volunteers who could help supplement the work of the Park Interpreters. The solution: a recently relocated Texas Master Naturalist, Tom Neale. Together the park personnel and Tom created a training program, recruited the first class, and launched the program that has grown to encompass much of the state of Arkansas and has provided thousands of hours of volunteer support to state parks as well as dozens of other agencies and entities.


For 16 years, CAMN members have been stewards of the natural areas in Central Arkansas. We have educated the public and introduced kids to the wonders of nature and the responsibility we all share in caring for it. We've built trails, provided housing for birds, monitored the quality of rivers and lakes, picked up litter, removed invasive species, grown and planted native plants, and provided educated citizen scientists. We've worked hard and we've had fun. And the Natural State has benefitted from it all. Come see what we do!

CAMN Master Project List


Our Mission:

To develop a corps of well-informed volunteers to provide education, outreach, and service

dedicated to the beneficial management of natural resources and natural areas within their communities.


The purpose of the Tree Replacement Project is to provide locally grown, native trees for residents who lost trees in the tornado of March 31, 2023. For more information or to apply for trees, click the button.

Tree Replacement Project

The 2025 training application window is now closed; our roster is FULL!

Please keep us in mind for 2026.


Fourche Creek



For more information and details, visit the Servicing Fourche Creek Catchment website:    

Servicing Fourche Creek

Donations accepted for boat upkeep and supplies
used for Fourche Creek Clean Up Events.

Donate Now!

Donations made to a specific project will be used only for that project. If a project ends with remaining funds, those funds will be placed in the General Project Fund and used for other CAMN projects.

Fourche Creek

Donate now for Arkansas Wild Spaces

Arkansas Wild Spaces (AWS) is a project of the Central Arkansas Master Naturalists designed to assist homeowners in Central Arkansas to 1) identify non-native invasive plants they should remove from their yards, and 2) suggest native plants for adding to improve ecosystem functions and increase wildlife populations.  We welcome your donation!  We use donations to provide handouts for homeowners, website setup and maintenance, and supplies. Volunteers run AWS and no funds are used for profit. Donations are 100% tax deductible. 

To apply, download the application, fill out and save, then email it to:

Land Steward Application and Pledge

It takes 6-9,000 caterpillars to raise one clutch of chickadee babies.

Donate Now!

Arkansas Wild Spaces

Mother Nature Loves a Native Garden - here's proof!

Photos provided by Native Gardener, Lynn Foster


Eastern tiger swallowtail


Eastern swallowtail about to pupate

Bumble bee on tall boneset

CAMN Donations

Donations as memorials, to honor a CAMN member, or simply to support the work of the chapter.  




Educational Resources

Remote learning (Continuing Education) 


CAMN Remote Learning Resources

State and National Agency Partners