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Arkansas Master Naturalists



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The Arkansas Master Naturalist BioBlast convention will be held in September 2024.
Donations to General State Account
Arkansas Wild Spaces (AWS) is a project of the Central Arkansas Master Naturalists designed to assist homeowners in Central Arkansas to 1) identify non-native invasive plants they should remove from their yards, and 2) suggest native plants for adding to improve ecosystem functions and increase wildlife populations. We welcome your donation! We use donations to provide handouts for homeowners, website setup and maintenance, and supplies. Volunteers run AWS and no funds are used for profit. Donations are 100% tax deductible.If you prefer to donate by check, please make the check out to CAMN and indicate AWS on the notes line. Mail check to CAMN, C/O Leann Floyd, 906 Becky Dr., Sherwood, AR 72120. Donations made to a specific project will be used only for that project. If a project ends with remaining funds, those funds will be placed in the General Project Fund and used for other CAMN projects.
Donate as a memorial or just to support our efforts in general.
Heavy duty fish baskets are needed for the on-going work at Fourche Creek.Donations made to a specific project will be used only for that project. If a project ends with remaining funds, those funds will be placed in the General Project Fund and used for other CAMN projects.
$425.00 received toward our goal of $350.00
Reed Green found a boat on Facebook Marketplace that CAMN might like to purchase to service Fourche Creek, Fourche Bottoms, and wherever needed ( It's 15' x 42," a good size for CAMN's needs and the motor described below.  Reed recently purchased a 2009 15-hp 4-stroke Mercury and had it serviced to marry it with such a boat. He a few dollars less than $2,000 invested in the motor, gas tank, battery, motor stand, and such.  Wondering, among the CAMN members, if we can drum up $1,000 more to purchase the boat?  Reed also would like for someone to go with him down to Benton to look at the boat and trailer before purchase.    Please reach out to Reed if you'd like to help with the purchase of this boat.  wrgreen@sbcglobal.netCell 501-681-7507Donations made to a specific project will be used only for that project. If a project ends with remaining funds, those funds will be placed in the General Project Fund and used for other CAMN projects.
SJCA has given CAMN a building on their grounds that we will use as storage (thus eliminating paying for a commercial storage and using member's personal storage as backup. In addition, this building has space for a workshop. However, for the building to be secure and usable, repairs must be made. Here's what Bill Toland has to say about the space:  "The major benefit is CAMN having plenty of room for storage rent free saving the chapter $$ over the years. Having a space large enough to have a workshop to make Aldo Leopold benches, wildlife nesting boxes, Signage, and other educational props. My wife appreciates that this stuff is not stored in my garage for the first time in years!! Tired of Bert ringing the doorbell at 11 pm at night wanting a bird box ( and a glass of scotch).In the process of getting what we need we help an important non profit ( SJCA) inch along in fulfilling their mission that benefits us all.And now that the PMSP greenhouse project is self supporting we need a worthy project that our members can donate a small amount of their charitable budget to on a one time basis.This will save us from voting on who is the “ most sympathetic looking member” who will have to beg on a street corner with a misspelled sign!"BillDonations made to a specific project will be used only for that project. If a project ends with remaining funds, those funds will be placed in the General Project Fund and used for other CAMN projects.
$4,120.00 received toward our goal of $9,000.00

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